How To Produce Organic Chilli

12/31/2014 12:23

The one thing that adds spice to food is chilli powder. Be it the mouth watering colour it gives to the dish or the lip smacking taste it gives to the dish, it is the chilli powder that does the magic. This ingredient is universal and widely used. Be it food dishes or pickles, chilli powder is an essential ingredient in any form. This wide use and importance in cooking, there has been an increase in chilli production across the globe.

In addition, chillies are one of the most wonderful plants to grow as they come in wide variety of colours, sizes and tastes (spice levels). Chilli production can be either annually wherein it is replanted every years or perennial wherein they grow back on their own. Also, broadly chillies are of 3 types: hot (the one best known for spice and flavour), sweet (the mildest of all which can be eaten raw too) and ornamental (which are available in different shapes and mind you they can be extremely spicy too). So, with so much wide acceptance, wide variety and commercial viability, many are opting for chilli production. So, all those who wish to produce chilli, here are some basic tips:

Soil Testing Analysis


  • First and foremost, choose on which type of chilli you wish to produce and accordingly choose the best place or soil to plant them. Choose plots that get the best sunlight. For people living in colder regions, planning far nursery for chilli production is the best. Chilli production needs soil that has the best drainage system and a lot of nutrients.

  • There is a trick for all those who are looking for fast germination of chilli seeds. The best way is to soak to the seeds in lukewarm water for a complete 24 hours and then strain them thoroughly. Let them dry thoroughly and then saw them. Ensure to water the soil regularly so that the soil retains the needed moisture

  • As they need heat, the best time for chilli production is March and April. Remember that the chilli seeds to flower and bear fruit will nearly take a month or sometimes a little longer too.

  • Instead of depending upon the colour of the chilli (which can sometimes misguide) to know whether the chillies are ready, it is better that you taste them.

  • For all those who are growing chillies to produce chilli powder and chilli flakes, it is suggested that you allow them to completely dry and shrivel.

Thus, with the above-mentioned chilli production tips, you can be sure of having the basic information. However, for those who are planning chilli production on a large scale, it is suggested to get into much more detailing before venturing into the project. The reason is that when producing in large it is very essential that you use the best quality seeds that would help you get the best yield. So, for all those who are looking for the best seeds, seeds infused with Trivedi Science are your best choice.




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